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LAST UPDATE : 03/19/07
General Horn
Webmaster's disclaimer:
The listing of any website below does not
constitute a recommendation from hornplanet.com.
Phrases in "quotes" below are taken from the
websites mentioned or provided by the website
owner. They are not necessarily
the opinion of hornplanet.com
Alphornbau Stocker --
"specialized in manufacturing of high quality alphorns"
American Horn Quartet
Atkinson Brass & Company -- "Student,
Professional, Custom Double Horns"
Amateur Horn Survey -- "Stories
from an amateur hornist survey"
Kendall Betts Horn Camp -- "dedicated
to the pursuit of expanding one's horizons on the horn."+
The Brasswerkes -- fine Geyer-style
horns custom made by master hornmaker Wes Hatch
British Horn Society -- "UK
society dedicated to the art, craft and fun of horn playing."
The Cabbage Patch
-- "humorous letters sent to the horn list by Professor Cabbage"
Columbus Horn Group -- an Ohio
horn ensemble
The Complete Hornist -- a
series of music for horn
CYPRIUM -- Belgian Horn Quartet
A Dennis Brain Discography -- "From
Dennis Brain: A Biography, by Stephen Pettitt"
Dennis Brain -- "The Legacy of Dennis
Brain" compiled by Ivan Wong
Dennis Brain -- "An
enthusiasm for Dennis Brain" (a Japanese site dedicated to Dennis Brain)
The Dutch Horn Society --
Nederlands Hoornisten Genootschap (NHG)
Les "Echos du
Viviers" -- "association of musicians, playing the French hunting
Eliminator -- Why you should know how to read bass clef and transpose on the
Fox Valley Horns -- horn choir based in
Appleton, Wisconsin
french-horn.be -- "A Website
for french-horn player in english, french and dutch"
Horn Jokes -- "How do you get your viola section to sound like the horn
French Horn Resource Page --
"This ultimate French Horn page is dedicated to all French Horn players."
The Golden Horn -- "for
an evening that is entertaining, enlightening, and educational."
Hoorn.Be -- A site for hornists - in Dutch
Hornplayer.Net -- information archive,
players' bios, horn section listings, classifieds, & lots more
Horn FAQ --Ron Boerger's
"Frequently Asked Questions" for hornists.
Horn Significa -- "original
Horn Significa by Walter Hecht, first published in 1996 on the Horn mailing list"
Infography listings about the horn --
Horn -- Music
Horn -- Musical Instrument
Horn -- Orchestra Studies
Horn -- Players
The Jazz Horn -- Harlan
Feinstein's page on jazz horn players
International French Horn Competition -- July 21-28, 2005. Part of Lieksa Brass
Magic of Domenico Ceccarossi -- "Il
Corno Magico"
Moosewood Hornists' Requisites -- "World's
finest custom mouthpieces and specialty items for the horn."
Musical Chairs --
Orchestral job openings worldwide, links to orchestras, competitions, conservatories, and
much more
Patterson Hornworks -- Natural horns,
mouthpieces and accessories made by James Patterson
PHC Mouthpieces -- "The World's most
versatile range of screw-rim mouthpieces"
A Postcard from Dennis
Brain --"This story actually happened to me."
Quadre - Find CDs, events and upcoming
concerts for this California based horn quartet
Siegfried's Call - "High
performance brass instruments"
Sotone Historic Recordings -- "Great Horn
Players in Historic Recordings"
Summer Brass Institute at Menlo -- "Spend
nine intensive days working with the acclaimed Bay Brass faculty"
Texas School Music Project ---
"Tips for Horn"
Waltornia --- A Polish website for horn
Wilhelm Lanzky-Otto -- "the
father of the modern Swedish school of horn playing"
Yamaha Musical Instruments
General Brass
Webmaster's disclaimer:
The listing of any website below does not constitute a recommendation from
hornplanet.com. Phrases in "quotes" below
are taken from the websites mentioned or provided by the website
owner. They are not necessarily the opinion of
Brass Specialists -- "This is a site for all brass players, musicians and
Bay Street Brassworks
Brass Express -- "Maryland's Finest
Professional Brass Quintet"
Brass-Forum.co.uk -- "A Home for
all Brass Players"
Brasshenge -- "We
are a versatile low-brass septet based in Richmond, BC, Canada"
Brass Players in Film Music
The Brass Players Museum -- Antique
Brass Instruments
Brass Music by Jerry
Brass Resources -- "Highly
recommended sites for all brass players!"
Brass Unlimited -- A brass quartet
based in Washington state
Canadian Brass Homepage
Celebration Brass Quintet --
"providing quality and entertaining music to the Chicagoland area"
de Haro Horns -- Brass instrument repair,
custom mouthpipes and accessories
Douglas Yeo Trombone Website
Empire Brass -- "renowned for its
brilliant virtuosity and the unparalleled diversity of its repertoire"
Finke Handcrafted Instruments -- "produces
French horns, trombones, trumpets and historical brass"
Giardinelli Homepage -- "The Web's
Most Extensive Music Catalog"
Historic Brass Bibliography
Historic Brass Society -- "international
music organization concerned with the entire range of early brass music"
Horn-u-copia -- "a forum dedicated to
the collection and cataloging of information about antique, obscure and out of production
brass instruments"
Hosaphone FAQ -- "a low-cost valveless
trumpet for the post-modern age"
International Women's Brass Conference
John Packer Ltd -- "servicing the
needs of woodwind and brass players, of all standards, throughout the UK for more than 25
Lieksa Brass Week -- well-known
brass festival that takes place in the end of July
Michael Moore's Homepage -- Atlanta
Symphony tuba player
Musical Chairs --
Orchestral job openings worldwide, links to orchestras, competitions, conservatories, and
much more
Osmun Music -- "Service, supplies and
accessories for the serious musician"
Plunge -- "an alternative, groove driven,
jazz quartet featuring trombone and alphorn, tuba, double bass, drums and percussion"
Proprietary serial number lists --
From LarsKirmser'sMusic Trader site, lists for many companies: Bach, Conn, Holton,
and 50 more
Ralph Jones Trpt Page -- lots of links
Saint Louis Brass Quintet -- "The crowd
went quadruple bananas."
Selmer Instruments --Selmer Musical
Siegfried's Call - "High
performance brass instruments"
Star of Indiana --"thrilling
Brass Theater performances"
Summer Brass Institute at Menlo -- "Spend
nine intensive days working with the acclaimed Bay Brass faculty"
Summit Records -- Classical, Jazz,
Educational, and LOTS of brass recordings
the Tuba -- "Here's where you can buy great
tubas at a low price!"
The Ultimate Berp -- "the favorite practice
aid of 30,000 brass professionals and students worldwide"
Vegas Brass -- "The Las Vegas area's
premiere brass quintet"
Washington Symphonic Brass
Wichita Band Instrument Co. -- "Good
selection and short waiting times."
Windplayer -- "The world's #1
publication for woodwind and brass musicians."
WindSong Press - "The web's most
complete source about Arnold Jacobs."
Yamaha Musical Instruments

"Renaissance Faire"
Saint Louis Brass Quintet
with Steven Butters, percussion
Like you've never heard Renaissance before!
info here
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