Welcome to the Library
Here you will find recommendations on some
great books for further study on
the horn and horn playing
Anthony Baines, Brass Instruments
Dover 0-486-27574-4
"An excellent all around text on the development of brass instruments in Western
music," says Christopher Cornette, who suggested the addition of this text to the
Library. "I believe any comprehensive look at the horn must include information (on)
its siblings, conical or cylindrical, as their histories are closely interwoven. Mr.
Baines provides this outlook quite well in his book."
Bernhard Brüchle, Horn Bibliographie I, II, III
Heinrichshofen Wilhelmshaven
A three volume set of everything published for the horn (before 1983). An excellent
reference set.
Nancy Jordan Fako, Philip Farkas and His Horn - A Happy, Worthwhile Life
Crescent Park Music
An inspiring book about one of the greatest horn players of the Twentieth Century.
Follow his life from childhood aspirations to the Chicago Symphony and beyond.
This is the remarkable story about a remarkable man who was a hornist, teacher,
horn designer, author, and a loving sensitive human being whose life demonstrated
meticulous and conscientious attention to "doing everything right."
Philip Farkas, The Art of French Horn Playing
Summy-Birchard Publishing Company
Barry Tuckwell calls this the "bible of horn players." A definite MUST for any
aspiring horn player. Two other books of Mr. Farkas are also worth investigating: The
Art of Brass Playing and The Art of Musicianship, both published by Wind Music,
Robin Gregory, The Horn
Faber and Faber Limited
A very comprehensive book that is unfortunately out-of-print. Check your local library or
used book store.
Douglas Hill, Extended Techniques for the Horn, A Practical
Handbook for Students, Performers and Composers (CD Included)
Studio 224, Warner Bros.ISBN #29156 21884, EL96105CD
Virtually all the sound possibilities for the horn are included in
this one book, with clearly and concisely organized descriptions, notation and comments to
both performers and composers of horn music. The sixty-five recorded examples on
seventy-two tracks are essential for the student and performer to hear how the technique
or effect should sound when properly played. This book demonstrates that the horn is the
most versatile of all instruments.
Kurt Janetzsky and Bernard Brüchle, The Horn
Amadeus Press
A beautifully illustrated book, translated to English by James
Chater, that follows a pictorial evolution of the instrument from early times to the
present day.
David M. Kaslow, Living Dangerously with the Horn
Birdalone Music
Prof. Kaslow discusses the technical, psychological, emotional,
physical, and spiritual foundations of music making. He looks at the general dynamics of
fear, courage, awareness and life itself from refreshing perspectives. Great reading.
Dr. Irmtraud Tarr Krüger, Performance Power
Summit Books
Transforming stress into creative energy. Krüger is a noted
psychotherapist and concert musician. She helps us understand performance anxiety and the
inner monsters that cause it. The book provides unique mental and physical exercises to
overcome our subconscious fears of failure during performance. Purchase this book
Michael Meckna, Twentieth Century Brass Soloists
Greenwood Press
A great resource, Prof. Meckna profiles nearly one hundred of the
finest brass soloists in the Western world. Included are such greats as trumpeters Maurice
Andrè, Wynton Marsalis, Adolph Herseth, and Louis Armstrong; trombonists Arthur Pryor,
Tommy Dorsey, Bill Watrous, and Christian Lindberg; and tuba players Harvey Phillips,
Roger Bobo, and Arnold Jacobs. Twenty hornists are featured, including Barry Tuckwell,
Dennis and Aubrey Brain, Hermann Baumann, Philip Farkas, Thomas Bacon, Frøydis Ree Wekre,
Lowell Greer, and Douglas Hill. The book is fairly expensive, but you can probably find it
in your school's music library (if it's not in your library, tell the librarian to get
R. Morley-Pegge, The French Horn
Philosophical Library, Inc.
Another comprehensive book that is unfortunately out-of-print, but
check your local library or used book store.
Hans Pizka, Hornisten-Lexicon
Hans Pizka Edition
An amazing compilation of horn facts and trivia: historical players
and composers, horn terminology and much more. Must have. Dual texts in German and
Hans Pizka, Mozart and the Horn
Hans Pizka Edition
A volume dedicated to an intense study of the Mozart horn concerti.
Includes complete facsimile scores, edition comparisons, cadenzas of different horn
soloists and many illustrations. Dual texts in German and English.
Paul Pritchard, The Business
Copyright 1992, ISBN 0 9520626 0 7, no publisher indicated
Subtitled "The essential guide to starting and surviving as a
professional horn player," this is a highly recommended compilation of five short
essays by some of the top British horn players, with a foreword by Andre Previn, and
introductions by Barry Tuckwell and Vladimir Ashkenazy. The Table of Contents pretty well
sums it up: "Your First Professional Symphonic Date" by Jeffrey Bryant;
"Opera and Ballet" by Julian Baker; "The Horn in the Studio" by John
Pigneguy; "Solo Performance and Chamber Music" by Frank Lloyd; and "General
Freelance Work" by Paul Pritchard. No publisher is credited in the book, but it has
been available from Osmun Music, and Paxman.
Verne Reynolds, The Horn Handbook
Amadeus Press; ISBN: 1574670166
The author is a musician, composer, teacher, and former professor of
horn at the Eastman School of Music. The book presents a broad introduction to horn study,
practice and performance, leading the player and teacher through the etude, solo, chamber
and orchestral literature of the horn. Also provided are examples of exercises for
warm-up and for perfecting technique. A "must have" for horn students and
Willie Ruff, A Call to Assembly; The Autobiography of a
Musical Storyteller
Viking Books; ISBN: 0670838004
A great book about a great musical artist, jazz horn (and bass)
player, teacher, adventurer, and former student of Paul Hindemith. Wonderfully
written, hard to put down.
Gunther Schuller, Horn Technique
Oxford University Press
Basic principles of horn artistry are covered, as well as advice to
composers and a list of repertoire.
M. Dee Stewart, Philip Farkas - The Legacy of a Master
The Instrumentalist Publishing Company
A nostalgic tribute to a master of the instrument, whose influence
is felt throughout the horn world today.
Barry Tuckwell, Horn (Yehudi
Menuhin Music Guides)
MacDonald & Co. Ltd.
The internationally famed horn soloist (now retired) succinctly sums
it all up with clear text, and nice illustrations: brief history, famous past hornists,
the mechanics of the horn and also some tips for horn players.
Milan Yancich, An Orchestra Musician's Odyssey - A View from the Rear
Wind Music Inc.
Anecdotal memoir that relates the author's long professional career
and the lessons learned in the journey. In the words of William Scharnberg, in a review
from the May, 1996 issue of the Horn Call: "Every music library should purchase a
copy of this book and every horn player must read it!"
See also Ron Boerger's Homepage for a great online resource
of horn info: an extensive FAQ assembled from the horn mailing list. It covers about every
horn topic under the sun.
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